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DD’s Therapy / Dr. Carolyn / Circe’s Mental StateComments made by Circe to John (Unless otherwise noted) EM = eMail Message
VM 01/10/2011 From: Circe “I want to control the circumstances that [DD] is in when she is under your care because of what she tells me… I'm going to insist that if DD goes to wherever you're living, she is going to be happy there.” VM 01/10/2011 From: Circe “Some of what you said is true. I'm not going to deny it. I don't have a problem denying it because I'm not in denial. I have problems with (Circe's then-husband) Bob C. and he and I go to counseling to try to work on it…” 01/12/2011 EM “I want the two of you [John and DD] to go to counseling and talk. to each other. about everything. on a weekly basis... I would also be very willing to go too.” 01/25/2011 EM “… there is a limit to how much i can do. i am not super woman. i am just a mom that is suffering from anxiety disorder but trying to raise 4 happy kids.” 08/31/2011 EM “I do think that counseling first then visits with DD alone second is the best course of action.” EM “yes, i will go to family counseling. no, you can not bring Diana, or DD and I will not show up.” TXT 9/29/2011 10:29:38 PM - From: Circe “I know fom school that a counselor can not discuss what DD said [with you] ....it's illegal. Dr. Carolyn has not broken that law in the 16 yrs all four of my children have been seeing her. I highly doubt she has done it now. And counselors don't take sides…” TXT 10/10/2011 11:05:23 PM - From: Circe “DD had another appontment with Dr. Carolyn… Her next is Oct 31 at 10 am.” 11/30/2011 EM “No [family therapy] session with Dr. Carolyn will fix what you have done. And to go in there and try to sway [Dr. Carolyn’s] opinion by telling only one side of the story is nothing short of manipulation and will be represented as such.” 12/21/2011 EM “I have a full diagnosis from my psychiatrist. And my previous doctor as well. I am not, and never have been, bipolar. I had one misdiagnosis of bi-polar II disorder years & years ago from a doctor that doesn't even have a practice any more. Probably because he broke every medical ethic practice under the physicians oath.” EM “John, i have never claimed to be a calm person when it comes to you. I am not perfect. I made mistakes, I reacted out of fear and frustration concerning you and Diana. I will not say I have never gone over board with my emotions. I have. I am that way. I get so upset that I let the words get ahead of my thoughts. I say things from emotion that come from a very deep place of anxiety inside of me. Your actions and your choices create a frustration like no other inside of me.” EM “My words to you are words TO you. I WANT them to hurt you to produce change.” *********** TXT 1/5/2012 3:40:47 PM - From DD: Dad, we need a counseling appointment TXT 1/6/2012 6:37:06 AM - To DD: Good morning DD. I really hope you have a great day. This is all very hard right now but we'll get through it. I'll call Dr. Carolyn today. I love you xoxo TXT 1/6/2012 6:37:48 AM - From DD: Have a good day too daddy. I love you. TXT 1/8/2012 9:13:53 PM - To DD: Hi boo. I wanted to text and say goodnight and I love you. I hope you had a great weekend. I have an appt for just you and me on Feb 2nd with Dr. Carolyn TXT 1/8/2012 9:16:20 PM - From DD: Ok, goodnight dad. Love you. ********** 01/29/2012 EM “John, if you recall, I [Circe] am the one who suggested TO YOU that you take DD with you to Dr. Carolyn. I am not the problem, so why on earth would I be upset for not being in the meeting?? I don't have a problem of any kind with DD. I am not the one who needs help here. YOU are the one who has all of the repair work to do. And if you think I have any interest in going into your appointment to sit and listen to your warped version of what you THINK is happening, you are crazy.” EM “Enjoy your visit with Dr Carolyn. Don't be surprised when your daughter acts 10X more mature than you. She is use to it by now.” (After this point, Circe makes attempts to cancel the family therapy appointment with Dr. Carolyn) VM 02/01/2012 From: Circe's then-husband Bob_C to John “John, this is Bob C. Circe just informed me to give you a call and let you know that DD has a chemistry test tomorrow morning and will not be able to make the counseling appointment [w/Dr. Carolyn, 02/02/2012 at 8am]…” 02/01/2012 EM from DD’s Chemistry Teacher: “Hi John. DD's [chemistry] exam will not start until about 11:30 since tomorrow we have a delayed schedule so hopefully she will be back. If she is not back in time just let her know that she can come in during study hall on Friday to take the test. I understand not wanting cancel the appointment. We will make it work. I know DD has been working very hard to be prepared for the test and either day will work just fine.” 02/02/2012 EM from Circe: “ DD came home upset about the Dr. Carolyn meeting... Yesterday, she wanted nothing to do with going to that meeting. Then, she said for your sake, she would be nice and try it once "and see how it goes". I am sure she explained to you how she basically felt betrayed by all of you for invading her safe space., It disgusts me that you would do that to her. But it blows my mind that Dr. Carolyn can be so unprofessional, and I will make sure the Clinic investigates these matters to make sure she did nothing unethical. I do not hold out hope that this is true. I mentioned it to my attorney as well, and he got a look on his face that expressed his dissatisfaction with that woman's [Dr. Carolyn’s] actions… I will talk to DD about how she felt about the Dr. Carolyn apt. when she is ready. Until then, stop forcing things on her because YOU think it is best. You have not spent enough time with MY daughter to know what is best for her....” 02/10/2012 EM “I am entitled to my opinion that you are causing severe mental stress on my daughter. I am going to find a counselor for her that will help her cope with what is happening in your home during your visits since it is obvious Dr Carolyn has not addressed the problem well enough to satisfy DD's anxiety issues. Even her medication for anxiety is not strong enough to cope with her apprehension of her visits with you. I feel so hopeless and helpless when I can't fix her anxiety.” ******** EM On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:17 PM, John wrote to Circe: “What is your feeling on DD joining me for the Dr. Carolyn appointment tomorrow [March 1, 2012]?” EM On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 1:49 PM, Circe replied: “she can't go.” ************** 02/29/2012 EM “John, don't lecture me on how to parent. Of course I want what is best for DD. DD is seeing a medical doctor twice this week. She is starting counseling at Crossroads in town. Her counseling will happen at a different place and time. I support her choice and I am not worried about your opinion of that.” 03/03/2012 EM “She [DD] goes to her own councelor now. She doesn't want to go to Dr. Carolyn anymore. It is a professional conflict of interest for Dr. Carolyn to see both you and DD. My attorney defends this truth. If you plan on doing family counseling, it is out opinion, for DD's sake it be with all three of us. But to have separate appointments with the councilor blurs ethical lines and I will not allow DD to be subjected to that.” 03/04/2012 EM “[Family counseling] is a conflict of interest on Dr. Carolyn's part, and the Clinic needs to be alerted of her choice to do so. Now DD has lost interest in going with you to see Dr. Carolyn. Especially since your intention is to push me out of the picture instead of doing the family counseling like I had suggested we all do. It would appear that maybe your intention is to manipulate the situation in your favor… Getting one parent's perspective of the situation does not constitute "family therapy"… “ 03/04/2012 EM denying parenting time, again: “It took an entire week of 'round-the-clock attention and care, doctors appointments, teacher discussions and vice principal discussions and guidance counselor discussions to slowly bring her [DD] back to an even keel... I can not be idol and just hope she doesn't become more anxious. Her anti-depressants and the medicine for her "nervous" stomach may take 4 to 6 weeks to work. And her new counselor has not even met her yet. I believe she is still too vulnerable to risk upsetting her by making her go to your apartment.” 03/18/2012 EM “DD is just now calming down from the past months events, and I am not going to allow her to be thrown back into any situation that is going to contribute to her anxiety and depression again. Her new counselor is wonderful. She doesn't just sit and stare at DD and nod her head and smile like [DD] said Dr Carolyn did. She talks! She interacts. She is young and energetic…” |
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